Thursday, September 6, 2012

Oransi Ionic Fridge Air Purifier Review and Giveaway - ends 9/20

I normally have an open box of baking soda to absorb odors in my refrigerator but now I have the OransiIonic Fridge Air Purifier. I put this little 4” x 2.8” x 2.5” ionizer to a test to see how well it worked using sliced onions, open cans of coffee, and an open can of dog food.  I admit this little air purifier did the job effectively. No offensive odors were smelled by me or my husband. This Patented Piezo-electric ionizer is ozone safe - 0.011 ppm, that’s more than 78% below the FDA limit and uses Micro CPU to control the operation of the air purifier to cycle between on/off mode. It sits on the top shelf in the front of the fridge, so I can see when the LED light stops blinking to tell me it is time to change the battery. It runs silently, weighs 0.2 lbs, runs on 2AA batteries giving it approximately 45-90 days before you need to change them, and has a one year warranty. 

It takes up very little room and I don’t have to remember when to change the box of baking soda anymore. You can use the Oransi Fridge Air Purifier in lots of other places besides the refrigerator such as, a closet, baby’s room, laundry room, or other small areas that need freshened air. I sniff around every time I open the refrigerator to see if it is still working and after a few weeks I can tell it still keeps the odors at bay.

You can connect with Oransi on Facebook and Twitter for new information on products and promotions.
Disclaimer: Offers change or can be removed at any time without notice. This blogger may be compensated for reviews and sponsored posts but all opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. #paid Frugal-Shopping is not responsible for prize/product shipment.


  1. I learned that it has patented piezo-electric technology that allows for a high negative ion output which freshen the refrigerator without harmful side effects of ozone that is found in standard ionizers.

    This looks like a great product! I really hope to win so that I can try it out.

  2. That it is silent- does not use a fan

  3. I like that is does not give off any effects like other ionizers do. Thanks

  4. the replacement filter costs are the lowest

  5. I love that it doesn't use chemicals to mask icky odors! I also learned that Oransi makes other types of air purifiers, so they know what they're doing. :)

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com


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