Frugal living Tips

Living a Frugal Life:

1. Use the Library
You can find all the lastest book and movies available free of charge. If you like the idea of renting give Redbox a try for $1.00 a night. You can print coupons for as little as .10 a page.

2. Cook at Home More Often
Eating out is  more expensive than eating at home. Challenge yourself to eat at home more often – even if it's just once more a month. If you do dine out,  find ways to lower the cost when you do decide to treat yourself.  Use, take advantage of dining specials, drink water, skip the Appetizers, and have coffee and dessert at home. Find Restaurants where Kids eat for free

3. Use Online Bill Pay
Save yourself a stamp, and avoid late fees by paying your bills online. You can pay direct to your creditors, or set up automatic bill pay with your bank. Check for extra fees.

4. Clip Coupons
Clip coupons for the grocery items that you buy regularly, and you can take at least 25% off of your weekly grocery bill. Find stores that double your coupons. Organize coupons according to category or grocery-store aisle to make shopping easier. Join a coupon service that will help match coupons to grocery sales to capitalize on savings.

5. Wash in Cold Water
Your clothes will still come out clean, and your hot water heater won't have to work nearly as hard.

6. Look for Freebies
Signing up for samples in websites gives you an opportunity to try something new or to have travel size products for traveling or guests.

7. Make Your Own Household Cleaners
Stock up on basic cleaning agents like vinegar and baking soda. These clean just as well as store bought cleaners. 

8. Turn off Lights and Unplug Unused Appliances
It may not seem like much but it makes a difference on your Electric bill. Use Energy Efficient appliances and light bulbs. Using a programmable thermostat makes a difference also.

9. Change Your Own Vehicle Oil
You will only pay for the price of oil and filter.

10. Drive Less Often
Driving infrequently keeps your car parked, saving on Automobile insurance and your gas bill.

11. Self Sustanance
Growing your own small garden helps reduce a budget, is healthier, and taste good.

12. Attend more free entertainment events. 
Visit museums and cultural institutions. 

13. Write out a budget for each month and stick to it.
Don't pay full price by shopping sales only. Plan your meals around weekly specials. Do not shop hungry, you will end up buying more than you planned. Stick to your shopping list. Cook as Frugal as possible. 

14. Don't use charge cards. Or if you do, pay off the bill each month so you don't incur interest charges

15. Take a stay-cation
Pretend to be a tourist in your area. 

16. Take advantage of group deals!
If you buy a group deal you only pay 1/2 or less of the usual amount.  Groupon is a great site with awesome deals.

18. Make Homemade Gifts
There are many websites that have great ideas for gifts. 

Here are some Homemade Cleaner recipes: 

To get rid of Carpet odors
Sprinkle baking soda onto carpets and rugs, let sit for 15 minutes then vacuum away dirt and odors.

To get rid of Pet Stains
Hydrogen Peroxide
Baking Soda
Dish Soap

Put a 16 oz bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle with 3 Tablespoons of baking soda and a squirt of dish soap.

To get rid of a smelly Garbage Disposal
Add a few lemon peels to the garbage disposal and run it with hot water.

To get rid of Drain odor
1 cup baking soda 
1 cup hot vinegar. 

Pour both down the drain, let foam for five minutes and flush with hot water.

Dishwasher Detergent
Baking Soda 

Mix together equal parts of each ingredient, store in a container
Use approximately 2 TBS per load.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Pour 1/4 cup full strength chlorine bleach or
1/2 cup full strength ammonia into the toilet bowl.
Do not mix the chemicals together, you should never mix anything with chlorine bleach!

Soap Scum
Apply baking soda dry or as a thick paste, scrub with a wet sponge, then wipe off.

Homemade Window Glass Cleaner
2 Tablespoons vinegar to 1 quart of water or
2 Tablespoons ammonia to 1 quart water 

Put in a spray bottle

Gentle Scouring Powder
Mix baking soda and water into a paste and use to scrub fixtures, bathtubs, stoves, etc...

Powdered Laundry Detergent 
1 Cup Grated Fels Naptha, or Ivory, or Zote Soap
1/2 Cup Washing Soda, or baking soda, or Oxi-Clean
1/2 Cup Borax
You can add an essential oil if you prefer a scented detergent.

Mix all ingredients together, put in a container. To use for light load, use 1 Tablespoon. For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 Tablespoons.
(I find my washing soda at Ace Hardware, they will order it for you)
You can find many more recipes and ideas easily by typing in whatever you are searching for in any search engine on the internet.