Wednesday, October 31, 2012

YumEarth Organics Gummy Bears Review and Giveaway - ends 11/15

Are you looking for an Organic and 100% Natural candy this Halloween? YumEarth Organics has the right candy for you. YumEarth was created by parents who wanted their children to eat a diet rich in delicious healthful food. YumEarth makes Organic Lollipops, Gummy Bears, Sour Beans, Sour Worms, Fruit Pops, Fruit Drops, Vitamin C Drops, and various other goodies. 

This little boy loves the Gummy Bears.

YumEarth Organics Gummy Bears are made with Organic fruit juice, 100% Natural Flavors,100% Vegan, Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Tree nut-Free, Peanut-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Fat-Free, and contain No Artificial Dyes, No High Fructose Corn Syrup, No MSG. Each organic lollipop has 100% of daily vitamin C per serving (3) and less than 70 calories per pack. The family size bag of Organic Gummy Bears contain 10 packages of one servings size and have 3 delicious flavors: Pomegranate Pucker, Sour Apple Tart, and Strawberry Mash. They all taste so good that even mom and dad enjoy them. I feel good knowing I have picked a better candy choice for my son this Halloween.

These Yum Earth Organic Gummy Bears have been enjoyed by celebrities who enjoy all natural choices; Heidi Klum, Rachael Ray, and Kate Hudson to name a few. Purchase YumEarth Organic products at ToysRUs, select Target stores, and at your local health food store. Visit the website to see all the other products they offer and you can find where to purchase these yummy products here,  You can follow YumEarth on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclaimer: Offers change or can be removed at any time without notice. This blogger may be compensated for reviews and sponsored posts but all opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. 


  1. any snacks made with Organic fruit juice is a winner for me! You may have to hide the YumEarth Organics Gummy Bears from that Little Boy of yours :)
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. I need to hide them from me, they are really good ! =)

  3. I would like the Strawberry Mash.

  4. The Twitter link you have for them is for @YummyEarth, which isn't active. They appear to be active at @YumEarth. Might want to edit that in your Twitter entry and tweet link.

  5. I would like the gummy bears. We love gummy bears and we're not really crazy about sour candy.

  6. YumEarth Organics GUMMY BEARS!!!! ooo laaa laahh!!

  7. I'd love to win YumEarth Organics Gummy Bears for my husband, an absolute gummies lover

  8. I love all Yumearth things, but the gummies are my favorite!

  9. my son loves these.. he would be super stoked.

  10. Patricia Whittom LamagnoNovember 11, 2012 at 1:52 PM


  11. I'd like to try the Sour Beans


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