Sunday, December 22, 2013

Wise 7-Day Emergency Food Supply Review and Giveaway - ends 1/5

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With three older boys who were in the Boy Scouts; one son an Eagle Scout, another one a Life Scout, dad a Scoutmaster, and I was a Scoutmaster assistant we all learned a lot about being prepared. Not only did we teach our boys about being prepared while being out in the wild when camping but to be prepared for all emergencies. Living in Arizona they learned to always carry water in the vehicle because of the heat and also to carry a blanket since the nights can get unexpectantly chilly while driving to the higher elevations around us. We wanted them to understand that emergencies can happen at anytime and anywhere due to accidents, natural disasters, disease, and also due to civil unrest. The best way to survive is by planning for survival by being prepared.

Problem Solvers offers practical solutions for everyday living with Emergency Preparedeness accessories and Emergency Food Supply Kits.

Wise Company food supply is a simple, affordable solution to preparing tasty meals for emergency or everyday use. The food is made with the highest quality freeze-dried and dehydrated ingredients. The 7 Day Emergency Food Supply kit provides 66 total servings of entrees, sides, and drinks for breakfast, luch and dinner that is ready to eat in minutes. The kit is not intended to feed a family of four for 7 days but is intended to feed one person for 7 days, 3+ servings a day with sides and drinks.
The kit includes: 
  • Brown Sugar and Maple Multi-Grain Cereal 8servings
  • Southwest Rice & Beans 8 servings
  • Cicken Flavored Noodle Soup
  • Teriyaki Rice 4 servings
  • Creamy Pasta & Vegetable Rotini 4 servings
  • Apple Cinnamon Cereal 8 servings
  • Potatoes & Chicken Flavored Pot Pie 4 servings
  • Savory Stroganoff 4 servings
  • Rice Pilaf 8 servings
  • Whey Milk 14 servings

We tried the Savory Stroganoff one night when I didn't feel like cooking after a long tiring day. The stroganoff contains pasta with onions, mushrooms, and beef flavor in a creamy sauce.

Cooking Directions: Open package and remove the Oxygen absorber. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a pan, add the contents of the package to the bowling water, and stir. Turn off the heart, put a cover on the pan and let stand for 12 to 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Uncover and let cool for 2 to 3 minutes before serving. 

The Stroganoff smelled really good and we were happy when the food tasted as good as it smelled. The noodles were firm, not overcooked and it was seasoned just right. The package states that it serves 4, I used it for two adult men, 1 adult female and 1 child but it was not quite enough but would have been adequate if I would have served something else with it such as a salad and bread. I love how fast and easy it is to make and I can't wait to eat the other meals. 

The Wise 7-Day Food Supply kit is made in the USA, contains no trans fat and is the perfect food solution for camping & hiking, personal emergencies, natural disasters & power outages, and for quick everyday meals. With the extended shelp life you can keep it in your pantry until needed.

Visit Problem Solvers to learn more, purchase a kit for $69.95 rv,  and to see all the other great products they carry. Connect with them on Facebook and Twitter to hear about specials and promotions.


  1. I would love to have their Cat Cuddlepod Hanging Cat Bed!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  2. I love the Cat Cuddlepod also, I have never seen anything like it!

  3. I love the Wooden Cat Washroom Litter Box Cabinet

  4. I would love to have the Weatherproof Dog Bed for my dog. He would love it and it's pretty reasonable compared to some that I have seen. thank you.

  5. I actually really liked browsing the emergency preparedness area. They have a NOAA radio and everything!

  6. Oh I really love the Dancing Bears Outdoor Fire Pit!

  7. I like the Copper-Plated Oval Firewood Tub.

  8. Earbags
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  9. I like the S'mores Maker
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I learned that the company is located in Madison, Virginia.

  11. I learned that the company is located in Madison, Virginia.


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