Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cush Cushion: The World's Most Comfortable Seat Cushion #Review

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As a blogger I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer, as a Fibromyalgia sufferer I also deal with a lot of chronic pain. I am always looking for good quality products to help improve my discomfort. I have used my office chair for quite a number of years now and while it was once very comfortable I recently noticed that it just isn't nearly as pleasant to sit on as it used to be.  My lower back was beginning to ache quite a bit and my posture was also needing improvement. Assuming the chairs padding was most likely wore out after so much use, I put the Cush Comfort Cushion on top of my old desk chair. Not only am I sitting up higher than I am accustomed to but my bottom now has a thick satisfying pillow to rest itself upon. My posture is also improving, all without having to purchase a whole new chair.  

This pillow has a non slip bottom which does an excellent job of keeping the cushion from moving around. The cushion's memory foam lets it mold around my bottom letting me sit for awhile without any pressure point issues. There is a Coccyx cut-out that helps keep the tailbone from pain caused by sitting for long periods. 

Cush Comfort began after its founder, Chris, ended up dealing with a herniated disc when he was only 26 years old. Whenever he had to sit for too long, such as driving or sitting at his desk, his lower back and legs would ache with pain. He decided that he needed to find something to help him and others. Lucky for me since I can now sit on this relaxing seat for a much longer period of time without suffering with back pain. My posture is much better which makes me a lot happier person. The black color matches my chair and I can remove the outside fabric cover to wash it whenever it needs it. Car rides are a lot of stress on my body to the point that I don't enjoy long trips.  The cushion makes sitting and car rides a lot more enjoyable, which has really improved my attitude. 

Visit Cush Relief to learn more about the 100% money back guarantee. Frugal Shopping and More readers can save 10% Off when they use
promo code: clubcushPurchase a Cush Cushion on Amazon. 

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