Friday, July 6, 2012

Noxicare Review and Giveaway - ends 7/20

I have Fibromyalgia and thought should try Noxicare™ Natural Pain Relief Cream to see if it would benefit me. It is a topical cream used to alleviate inflammation, muscle aches, and nerve painThis is exactly what I experience with Fibromyalgia. I tried many different medications but nothing seemed to help for very long and eventually I became tired of all side effects from the medications. After some research, I decided to try a more natural approach to see if that could help. Now I use vitamins, herbal remedies, massage and warm water therapy. I still do have low level pain everyday that gets more intense with weather changes, stress, and other factors. That is when I need something a little stronger for pain relief.

Noxicare™ Natural Pain Relief's proprietary combination of 7 of the world’s most potent natural pain relievers:
  1. Turmeric: one of the powerful healers found in nature, recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Willow Bark: has been used to treat pain and inflammation since the time of Ancient Egypt and Greece.
  3. Ginger: helps alleviate muscle strains, arthritis and rheumatism, and is a catalyst for improving the effectiveness of other herbs.
  4. Holy Basil: properties include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral.
  5. Rosemary Extract: has served a variety of purposes including topical use for joint or musculoskeletal pain.
  6. Alpha Lipoic Acids: antioxidants used to treating diabetic neuropathy and increasing blood flow to the nerves.
  7. Boswellia Extract: an anti-inflammatory used to treat arthritis and joint pain.

It took about 3 days of using the cream to notice the amount of pain in my tender points  started diminishing. It has been almost two weeks and I can feel a big difference in my pain level. During that time, I had a few minor flareups but the pain didn't last very long. I have not had a major flare-up yet so I don't know how well just the cream will work for me then. I am thinking that taking the pill form of Noxicare to help with the all over pain and using the cream for the localized pain areas when that happens.
Noxicare™ Natural Pain Relief Cream absorbs into the skin very easily, is odorless, non greasy, and is not irritating to skin. It does not have the icy properties of menthol and the hot properties of oil of wintergreen so it isn't cold or hot. My skin is so sensitive I can't use anything that has that those kinds of ingredients. 

I honestly believe that adding Noxicare™ Natural Pain Relief Cream to my other ways of dealing with Fibromyalgia has been beneficial for me. This product can be purchased without a prescription here.

2 readers will win a Noxicare product for themselves. Giveaway will end 7/20 at 11:59pm EST. Must be 18+ to enter. Just enter on the Rafflecopter below, If it does not load please try refreshing the page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. It is made of natural ingredients, including ginger! I would use it for my general achiness. :)

  2. It contains 7 of the world’s most potent natural pain relievers. I would use it for my back and leg pain.

  3. I learned that it is good for nerve pain which is a problem in my household.


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