Friday, April 18, 2014

Iesodo Love and Faith #Review and #Giveaway - ends 5/2

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With Easter just around the corner you might be looking for some faith based products to put in your child's basket. Some new dvd's that I recently was asked to review just might fit be perfect. Iesodo, pronouced (YAY-Sa-Doe) and means "The Way of Jesus" is a wise and kind white Dove. In each episode Iesodo and his bird friends who live in the Holy Land in a Cypress Tree on the shores of a big Lake (the Sea of Galilee) teach an important lesson from stories in the New Testament in a fun new way! 

About "Love" Episodes:
“Birds of a Feather, Fish Together”– The wedding of Freddie and Fiona finch is headed for disaster! Iesodo steps in to calm everyone’s ruffled feathers and make the event a success.

“Love Your Enemies”– Zack, the tax collector, doesn’t play by the rules. Iesodo shows the flock that treating those who are mean to you with kindness really does make a big difference.

About "Faith" Episodes:
“Miracles are Everywhere”– A big event is happening! Thousands of birds from all over the world have gathered to meet Iesodo, but food is scarce and the flocks are getting hungry. Iesodo provides in a way no one could have expected.

“The Wind and the Rain”– The flock is soaring through the sky on their way back to the Cypress Tree when a sudden storm approaches out of nowhere! Trapped at sea and frightened, they learn that when you have faith, anything is possible.

My Thoughts:
The lesson in Birds of a Feather teaches us about how by working together amazing things can happen. In Love your enemies we learn how love covers all sins. We can destroy our enemy by loving them, allowing them to become our friends. In Miracles are Everywhere and The Wind and the Rain we learn how nothing is impossible if you have faith. We must be led by faith and not by sight. I think they they will be great for children off all ages, there was a black raven in Miracles are Everywhere and my 3 year granddaughter commented how the black bird was bad. I thought it was awesome that she could tell that without the show saying the bird was bad. My nine year old son recognized that the raven represented satan when he was trying to tempt Jesus. The characters are funny and the scenery is beautiful, I think these animated series are a great way to help teach children about Jesus. 

Visit Iosodo to learn more, play games, ask questions, read discussion guides, or to purchase a copy. There is one more dvd available in the Iesodo Collection called Believe. Each dvd is 50 minutes in length.
A Frugal-Shopping reader will win a copy of Love and Faith ($14.99 RV each). Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below, if Rafflecopter doesn't load please try refreshing the page or clicking here. Entries are verified and optional. Giveaway is open to US residents only and you must be age 18 or older to enter. Giveaway ends on 5/2 at 11:59 pm PST.
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